Monday, July 8, 2013

You don't complain enough

For the past week I have been bothered with a tight area in my upper back.  I've tried stretching and hoped that it would go away.

I mentioned it to Merritt, but didn't make a big deal of it.

Last night I told Merritt I was going to the local pharmacy (we're in The Netherlands and there's a pharmacy less than a 5 minute walk from our flat) to see about getting a muscle relaxant.  Merritt said something like: "I have muscle relaxants with me". When I asked him why he hadn't mentioned it before, his response was "You don't complain enough".

Merritt is a sharer... he doesn't relate to not expressing every ache and pain or thought.  So, last night I used one of the muscle relaxants that he had with him and it helped!

Lesson learned, complain more!